
General Guidelines:

Lekhani only accepts unpublished and original work of the author. Lekhani retains first publication rights, and upon publication, rights revert back to the author. Please credit Lekhani as the first publisher if the piece appears elsewhere after publication. In order to submit, you must be above 16 years old.

The following are guidelines that apply to submissions:

1. Please submit up to four pieces in a single submissions cycle. If we receive any more than four submissions, any submissions after the fourth (based on date/time of submission) will be disregarded.
2. You are welcome to any interpretation of the theme/prompt as long as its connection to your work can be traced. Despite Lekhani having a theme in place, we hold importance to the freedom of art and the artist – feel free to experiment or stray from the standard box of the theme.
3. In the Visual Arts Submission Form, we have provided you with a space to write a description of your work. We prefer that your description is short and concise, not exceeding 5-6 sentences.
4. Lekhani only accepts original artwork of the artist. Please do not submit anything along the lines of recreations or AI art.

NOTE: We are currently not accepting any submissions that incorporate moving components such as in the case of videos, voice recordings, gifs, animations, documentaries, etc. In the future, however, this guideline may change to incorporate moving components. You may use any medium or mediums to create your work provided that it follows the guidelines above and adheres to the theme provided.

Uploading Your Work

NOTE: We are currently not accepting any submissions that incorporate moving components such as in the case of videos, voice recordings, gifs, animations, documentaries, etc. In the future, however, this guideline may change to incorporate moving components. You may use any medium or mediums to create your work provided that it follows the guidelines above and adheres to the theme provided.

Please title your file as such:
FIRSTNAME_LASTNAME_TITLE.png/jpg/jpeg (one of these file formats)

Please use this exact format to title your file as it will make the process of examining submissions much easier.

The submissions form will only allow you to submit one artwork at a time. So, for multiple submissions, please keep personal information the same so that we may be able to correctly identify you as the creator of the submissions.

NOTE: The email that you will provide when submitting the form will be the email you will be contacted through by Lekhani.

Evaluation Guidelines

Lekhani particularly encourages South Asian artists to submit as part of an effort to share their voices on its platform. However, we welcome submissions from those who identify as people of color from all backgrounds and ethnicities!

For the current theme regarding bodies, we hope to evaluate based on the following factors:

1. How closely the submission piece relates to the theme provided
2. How creatively the artist expresses their interpretation of the theme (separate from skill)
3. How the artist personally integrates themselves or the world into their artwork

We are excited to see the wonderful work you do!

All regulations and prohibitions are defined by Lekahni in its Terms and Conditions, which can be accessed through the following link: Terms and Conditions. Additionally, you will be able to review and accept these conditions when submitting your artwork to our submission form which can be accessed through the following link: Visual Arts Submission Portal.

The following are guidelines that apply to submissions:

1. Up to four poems submitted within a singular document. The document should be not exceed eight pages
2. Please do not put your name on your submission document. You will be asked to enter your name within the submission form. The document/file you submit should not contain your name.
3. At this time, Lekhani does not accept translations.

NOTE: We are currently not accepting any submissions that incorporate moving components such as in the case of videos, voice recordings, gifs, animations, documentaries, etc. In the future, however, this guideline may change to incorporate moving components.

You may use any medium or mediums to create your work provided that it follows the guidelines above and adheres to the theme provided.

Evaluation Guidelines

Lekhani particularly encourages South Asian artists to submit as part of an effort to share their voices on its platform. However, we welcome submissions from those who identify as people of color from all backgrounds and ethnicities!

For the current theme regarding bodies, we hope to evaluate based on the following factors:

1. How closely the submission piece relates to the theme provided 2. How creatively the artist expresses their interpretation of the theme (separate from skill)

We still strongly encourage the writer to think outside the box, and not feel constrained by the theme put forth. We seek exciting and innovative interpretations and are willing to consider pieces that catch our attention even if they stray away from theme.


You are welcome to any interpretation of the theme/prompt. In the Poetry Submission Form, we have provided you with a space to write a description of your work. We prefer that your description is short and concise, not exceeding 5-6 sentences.

Uploading Your Work

You may submit up to 4 submissions, however, should your artwork be selected for our magazine, only one submission will be chosen per person.

Please title your file as such: FIRSTNAME_LASTNAME_TITLE.png/jpg/jpeg (one of these file formats)

Please use this exact format to title your file as it will make the process of examining submissions much easier.

The submissions form will only allow you to submit one file at a time. For multiple submissions, please keep personal information the same so that we may be able to correctly identify you as the creator of the submissions.

NOTE: The email that you will provide when submitting the form will be the email you will be contacted through by Lekhani.

We are excited to see the wonderful work you do!

All regulations and prohibitions are defined by Lekahni in its Terms and Conditions, which can be accessed through the following link: Terms and Conditions. Additionally, you will be able to review and accept these conditions when submitting your artwork to our submission form.

Have questions about submitting?